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PetSafe® RFA-67 Compatible Replacement Batteries
![]( These PetSafe® Compatible Battery Modules are compatible
with the following PetSafe® Collars:
NOTE: Some of the UL-250 and UL-275 Receivers may require "Coin-Style" 3 Volt Batteries.
Batteries come in packs of 2. US shipping is included in purchase price. For international shipping rates, please
Contact us with your location information. E-mail me to pay via Check/MO.
2-Pack PetSafe® RFA-67 Compatible | $6.99 |
3 2-Packs PetSafe® RFA-67 Compatible | $20.00 |
| 6 2-Packs PetSafe® RFA-67 Compatible | $37.50 |